The Basics: Hitting Things (hunter)

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HordeThe Basics: Hitting Things
Start Ortezza
End Ortezza
Level 1-10
Category Echo Isles
Class Hunter Hunter
Experience 220
Reputation +250 Darkspear Trolls
Rewards 35c
Previous H [1-10] The Rise of the Darkspear
Next H [1-10] A Rough Start


Destroy 6 Tiki Targets.


Alright, mon. We start with da basics. I need ta know dat you know how ta use dat weapon you're totin' around.

Go thrash dose tiki targets. Take it slowly. Natural-like. I'll watch ya fighting form and we'll go from dere.


You will receive: 35c


Aim isn't da end all of defeating ya enemy, and it most certainly isn't tha end all of stayin' alive. Fightin' is about balance. Everytin has its time and place.


Not bad, mon. Ya have a natural flow to ya attacks - you may have a talent for dis.

Some rough edges ta be sure, but we'll get dose ironed out here and I'll teach ya a few new tings as we go.


After destroying the tiki targets:

Ortezza says: Not bad, <name>. Not bad.


  1. H [1-10] The Rise of the Darkspear
  2. Class quest:
  3. H [1-10] A Rough Start
  4. H [1-10] Proving Pit
  5. H [1-10] More Than Expected
  6. H [1-10] Moraya
  7. H [1-10] A Troll's Truest Companion
    Side quest: H [1-10] Crab Fishin'
  8. H [1-10] Saving the Young & H [1-10] Mercy for the Lost & H [1-10] Consort of the Sea Witch
  9. H [1-10] Young and Vicious
  10. H [1-10] Breaking the Line
  11. H [1-10] No More Mercy & H [1-10] Territorial Fetish
  12. H [1-10] An Ancient Enemy
  13. H [1-10] Sen'jin Village

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