The Baron's Demands

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HordeThe Baron's Demands
Start Baron Longshore
End Baron Longshore
Level 5-30
Category Northern Barrens
Experience 190
Previous H [5-30] Find Baron Longshore
Next H [5-30] A Most Unusual Map


If you trust him, talk to Baron Longshore to free him from his manacles.

  • Deal Struck with Baron Longshore


I'm bound fer that gallows fer sure, mate. That treasure's no good to me now...

Unless I can use it ta buy me life. I'll make a deal with ye, <race>. Smash these manacles and I'll tell ye where me treasure's buried.

Oh, me word is good, friend. I used ta be a real Baron, ye know.


You will receive:


Get on with it, mate. The guards may be back any moment. Ye know what ta do.


<The Baron rubs his sore wrists, his face widening into a malevolent grin.>

Oh I won't be runnin' off just yet. I'll free me mates and murder my way out of here at a time of me choosin'. As fer you - a deal's a deal. Let's talk about that treasure...


Talk to him again to continue:

<The Baron lifts his manacles.>
Come on then, <class>. Do ye trust me?
Gossip Never, you two-timing dog!
Suit yerself, mate. Me an' the treasure can both be buried.
Gossip <Break Longshore's manacles and free him.>
Baron Longshore says: Har! Pleasure doin' business with ye, <name>.


  1. H [5-30] Find Baron Longshore
  2. H [5-30] The Baron's Demands
  3. H [5-30] A Most Unusual Map
  4. H [5-30] Gazlowe's Fortune
  5. H [5-30] Raging River Ride

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