Template talk:Guildprogress bcraid

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Although Blizzard has retuned Gruul to make it now easily fall first into the natural progression order of raids, there are 9 pages, some with numerous entries, that have already filled their tables based on the current layout while there were only 2 using the newer layout so I have reverted back to the original order so those original pages entries remain valid. I also corrected the pages using the alternate layout to match the original one so their entries would remail valid as well. My time is limited ATM but when I have some free again, and after the upcoming patch (just in case), I will go through all the pages using the templates and adjust them for the more logical progressive layout with Gruul being listed first and then change the templates so everything remains valid. --Roach 19:47, 14 April 2007 (EDT)

First, I've changed the naming convention for the post-BC raid templates to be a 2 initial abbreviation for the expansion followed by raid#. Like this one, bcraid1. It's more logical and intuitive.
Secondly, I replaced Mount Hyjal with Zul'Aman in the existing template in order to retain the format of the template and (more importantly) the formatting of existing pages using it and moved Hyjal to a new template that also contains The Black Temple. I used Zul'Aman as it's a confirmed future raid and TBT and Hyjal are raids that require large attunement quests so they "mesh" better together. --Roach 00:30, 3 May 2007 (EDT)