Template talk:BGIcon

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While editing the cross-language battlegroups into Battlegroup, I noticed that the default icon Temp.png now dominates the European sections. Although the offical battlegroup lists have still not been updated, could it be reasonable to specify the images for these new battlegroups, assuming them to be the same as the original battlegroup from which the battlegroup takes its name?

I'll just list these out down here:

Merged Battlegroup Proposed Icon Namesake Battlegroup
Embuscade/Hinterhalt (EU)
Ability ambush.png
See Hinderhalt(DE)
Cruelty/Crueldad (EU)
Ability rogue eviscerate.png
See Crueldad{ES)
Cataclysm/Cataclysme (EU)
Spell fire windsofwoe.png
See Cataclysme(FR)
Cyclone/Wirbelsturm (EU)
Spell nature earthbind.png
See Cyclone(EN)
Frenzy/Raserei (EU)
Inv misc monsterclaw 03.png
See Raserei(DE)
Rampage/Saccage (EU)
Ability warrior rampage.png
See Rampage(EN)
Reckoning/Abrechnung (EU)
Spell holy blessingofstrength.png
See Reckoning(EN)
Glutsturm/Emberstorm (EU)
Spell fire selfdestruct.png
See Glutsturm(DE)
Vengeance/Rache (EU)
Ability racial avatar.png
See Vengeance(FR)
Sturmangriff/Charge (EU)
Ability warrior charge.png
See Sturmangriff(DE)

Ildera (talk) 03:06, May 17, 2010 (UTC)