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Copy and paste the following into the article and fill in the fields.

WAR Team Horde.pngDarkspear Troll
Inventory SlotBG Horde.png
Statue DarkspearTroll Pose.png


WAR GoldCurrency Logo.png
CombatHUD UnitLevels 3.png
Family WAR Team Horde.png Horde
Cost 3 WAR GoldCurrency Logo.png
Traits Ranged, One-Target
* = Base value, increases with level
Damage* 209
Health* 242
DPS* 174
Attack Speed 1.2
Range 9
Speed Medium
|name = 
|image = {{WARCard||}}
|family = 
|cost = 
|type = 
|healing = 
|traits = 
|aoe = 
|radius = 
|damage = 
|health = 
|dps = 
|attackspeed = 
|duration = 
|range = 
|crashdmg = 
|speed =
|percentdmg =
|lvladvantage =
Family Icon
Alliance WAR Team Alliance.png
Horde WAR Team Horde.png
Beast WAR Team Beast.png
Blackrock WAR Team Blackrock.png
Undead WAR Team Undead.png
Neutral WAR Team Neutral.png