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Text is a template to create colored text. This template comes preloaded with coloring for NPC emotes, says, yells, and whispers. It can also handle the class colors.




{{Text|say/whisper/yell|NPC|text}} (preferred)

Specific colorMode keywords:

  • say, emote, yell, whisper, blizz, bossemote
  • deathknight, demonhunter, druid, evoker, hunter, mage, monk, paladin, priest, rogue, shaman, warlock, warrior
  • poor, common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, artifact, heirloom, token

The three-parameter mode only works when using say, yell, or whisper.

Other colorMode options include any valid CSS, such as:

  • Html color names (black, white, purple, lightgreen, etc.)
  • Html hex color specifications of the form #RRGGBB, where RR, GG, and BB are hexadecimal numbers between 00 and FF. Not case-sensitive; #FFFFFF and #ffffff will work the same.
  • Html RGB color specifications in form of rgb(RR,GG,BB)

Be careful when using other color modes than the predefined options. The predefined options are designed to work on both light-colored and dark-colored (the default) skins. If you're not using one of them, test your colors on both the dark skin and the light skin to make sure it's readable.

2-parameter mode
* {{Text|Emote|The comedian impersonates an orc.}}
* {{Text|say|'''Perry Gatner says:''' One last impersonation. It's tough, but let's see if you can guess who it is...}}
* {{Text|yell|'''Illidan yells:''' YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!}}
* {{Text|whisper|'''An Unknown Voice whispers:''' Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends.}}
* {{Text|bossemote|King Ymiron motions for silence.}}
* {{Text|blizz|This is the Blizz forum color.}}

3-parameter mode (preferred)
* {{Text|say|Perry Gatner|One last impersonation. It's tough, but let's see if you can guess who it is...}}
* {{Text|bossemote|Varian|My son, a terrible darkness has returned to our world.}}
* {{Text|yell|Illidan|YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!}}
* {{Text|whisper|An Unknown Voice|Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends.}}

* {{Text|purple|Something purple.}}
* {{Text|rgb(120,120,120)|Custom color of gray}}
* {{Text|#99FFFF|Something 99FFFF.}}

2-parameter mode

  • The comedian impersonates an orc.
  • Perry Gatner says: One last impersonation. It's tough, but let's see if you can guess who it is...
  • Illidan yells: YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!
  • An Unknown Voice whispers: Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends.
  • King Ymiron motions for silence.
  • This is the Blizz forum color.

3-parameter mode (preferred)

  • Perry Gatner says: One last impersonation. It's tough, but let's see if you can guess who it is...
  • Varian: My son, a terrible darkness has returned to our world.
  • Illidan yells: YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!
  • An Unknown Voice whispers: Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends.


  • Something purple.
  • Custom color of gray
  • Something 99FFFF.

Hex codes for common colors


Class colors (Dark skin color / light skin color)
  • deathknight (FF324A / C41E3A)
  • demonhunter (D43AFF / A330C9)
  • druid (FF7C0A / CB4F00)
  • evoker (00634C / 33937F)
  • hunter (AAD372 / 608029)
  • mage (3FC7EB / 08809C)
  • monk (00FF98 / 00884F)
  • paladin (F48CBA / C44884)
  • priest (FFFFFF / 757589)
  • rogue (FFF468 / 8E7318)
  • shaman (0086FF / 0070DD)
  • warlock (8788EE / 7366D6)
  • warrior (C69B6D / 9B6C41)

Item quality

Quality colors (dark skin color / light skin color)
  • poor (9D9D9D / 9D9D9D)
  • common (FFFFFF / 000000)
  • uncommon (1EFF00 / 27BF13)
  • rare (0070DD / 0070FF)
  • epic (A335EE / A335EE)
  • legendary (FF8000 / FF8000)
  • artifact (E6CC80 / BFA760)
  • heirloom (00CCFF / 00CCFF)
  • token (00CCFF / 00CCFF)
  • enchant (FFD100 / E6BB00)

Profession skill-ups

Skill-up chance colors*
  • red (DD2222)
  • orange (FF8040)
  • yellow (FFFF00)
  • green (40BF40)
  • gray (808080)

* These colors are also used in-game to show the difficulty of mobs and quests compared to the player's level. On Warcraft Wiki though, they'll mostly be used for professions.


This template may not show up properly through line breaks on browsers other than Internet Explorer (i.e. Firefox). Instead of using one template to encompass two or more of the same kind of line, each line requires its own template, even if it is the same kind in a row.

External links