Template:Court of Harvesters

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Mistress Mihaela/Darvel the Frugal
Rep Item Cost Type
Neutral  [Spectral Hankerchief] x10 22g 50s Misc
Honored  [Bedazzled Belt] 137g 63s 68c Leather Waist
 [Design: Revitalizing Jewel Doublet] 1,215g Jewelcrafting Design
 [Flourished Cummerbund] 136g 59s 64c Cloth Waist
 [Ostentatious Buckle] 137g 11s 66c Mail Waist
 [Reflective Waistguard] 136g 7s 62c Plate Waist
 [Sinvyr Tea Set] 1,215g Toy
Revered  [Court Messenger Scroll] 250 Polished Pet Charm Pet
 [Courtier's Mantle] 214g 89s 38c Cloth Shoulder
 [Courtier's Pauldron] 213g 32s 94c Leather Shoulder
 [Courtier's Shoulderguard] 215g 65s 49c Mail Shoulder
 [Courtier's Shoulderplate] 214g 11s 16c Plate Shoulder
 [Glittering Gold Sinstone Chain] 1500 Reservoir Anima Back
 [Memory of Norgannon] 990g Misc
Recipe: Feast of Gluttonous Hedoism 1,588g 50s Cooking Recipe
 [Technique: Contract: Court of Harvesters] 1,588g 50s Inscription Technique
Exalted  [Court of Harvesters Tabard] 225g Tabard
 [Court Sinrunner] 27,000g Mount
 [Illusion: Sinsedge] 1,125g Illusion
 [Reinforced High Collar] 128g 43s 61c Neck