Template:Champion abilities/Saurok

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Champion abilities/Saurok shares abilities with all other saurok champions.

  • Inv misc hook 01.png Grappling Hook — Inflicts 450% weapon damage and pulls the target to the caster. 1.5 sec cast, 5 sec cooldown.
  • Ability rogue bladetwisting.png Smoked Blade — Inflicts 55% of the target's maximum health in Physical damage. Can only be used while vanished. Instant.
  • Ability vanish.png Vanish — Causes the target to vanish into the shadows, removing all debuffs and allowing the use of Smoked Blade. Instant.
  • Ability rogue garrote.png Vicious Rend — Causes the target to bleed for 1% of their maximum health as Physical damage every 5 seconds for 15 sec. Stacks. Instant.