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Connected Realms This realm is connected to the realm

CRealm provides a quick way to show the connected realms for a realm. The template takes up to twelve parameters, so the Server:Chromaggus Europe page would use the following:

{{CRealm|<Shattered Halls Europe>|<Boulderfist Europe>|<Daggerspine Europe>|<Talnivarr Europe>|<Trollbane Europe>|<Ahn'Qiraj Europe>|<Balnazzar Europe>|<Laughing Skull Europe>|<Sunstrider Europe>}}

To get:

Connected Realms This realm is connected to the realms: Shattered Halls Europe, Boulderfist Europe, Daggerspine Europe, Talnivarr Europe, Trollbane Europe, Ahn'Qiraj Europe, Balnazzar Europe, Laughing Skull Europe, Sunstrider Europe