Template:Argent Crusade items

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Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard
<Argent Crusade Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Tabard of the Argent Crusade] 1g Tabard
Honored  [Cloak of Holy Extermination] 21g 9s 13c Back
 [Standard Issue Legguards] 46g 18s 42c Plate Legs
 [Special Issue Legplates] 46g 36s 29c Plate Legs
Revered  [Argent Skeleton Crusher] 89g 56s 27c 2H Mace
 [Battle Mender's Helm] 32g 72s 90c Mail Head
 [Design: Guardian's Twilight Opal] 4g Jewelcrafting
 [Fang-Deflecting Faceguard] 37g 96s 85c Plate Head
 [Purifying Torch] 52g 35s 6c Wand
 [Zombie Sweeper Shotgun] 53g 94s 17c Gun
Exalted  [Boots of the Neverending Path] 35g 83s 98c Leather Feet
 [Helm of Purified Thoughts] 53g 67s 12c Plate Head
 [Pattern: Brilliant Spellthread] 5g Tailoring
 [Polished Regimental Hauberk] 61g 23s 79c Mail Chest
 [Signet of Hopeful Light] 28g 49s 83c Finger