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Teddies and Tea

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NeutralTeddies and Tea
Start Abby Lewis
End Abby Lewis
Level 20-60
Category Drustvar
Experience 16,450
Rewards 23g 40s
Next N [20-60] Kitty?


Gather Mr. Munchykins, Trunksy, and Mayor Striggs for the tea party.


There's nobody to play with here anymore. But you'll play with me, right <mister/lady>?

It's time for tea! Help me find the other guests, please!


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 16,450 XP


This is going to be the best tea party ever!


Hooray! Only one more guest left to find.


On approach
Abby Lewis says: Our poor little village is dead.
Abby Lewis says: All the people have gone stiff or fled.
Abby Lewis says: There is no more noise...
Abby Lewis says: ...except me and my toys...
Abby Lewis says: ...just like all the dark birdies said!
On accept
Abby Lewis says: Yay! This is gonna be the best tea party ever! Let's find the other guests.
Abby Lewis says: Trunksy! You know Miss Mary doesn't allow you in the house! You track mud everywhere!
Mr. Munchykins
Abby Lewis says: Mr. Hawthorne was always trying to keep the doggies away from his animals. But now the doggies can finally have supper!
Retrieving Mr. Munchykins.
Abby Lewis says: Oh Mr. Munchykins! You were hungry, weren't you? Come along now. It's time for tea.
Mayor Striggs
Abby Lewis says: Naughty Mayor Striggs! Always running away from your responsibilities to the townsfolk. Well, you can't run anymore!


  1. N [20-60] Teddies and Tea
  2. N [20-60] Kitty?
  3. B [35-60] The Village of Glenbrook
  4. B [50] Tea Party

Patch changes

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