Tea Tales: Lost Sybille

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NeutralTea Tales: Lost Sybille
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type World Quest
Category Revendreth
Experience 7,750
Reputation +125 Court of Harvesters


  • Ask Lost Sybille to tell her story
  • Theotar's Parasol recovered
  • Theotar's Parasol placed
  • Vulca's Toolkit recovered
  • Vulca's Toolkit placed
  • Tubbins's Teapot recovered
  • Tubbins's Teapot placed
  • Get to the tea party


Theotar says: Come, join us, my dear friend! You have arrived just in time for tea.


You will receive:


Theotar says: Wonderful! You may join us for tea time anytime!

Criteria of


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Sybille's story begins
Lost Sybille says: Thrice I suffice, no price.
Lost Sybille says: Hairless, careless!
Lost Sybille says: Be dareless!
Using Future Sight
Flaw the law, saw the maw!
In shade
No aglow in shadow.
Finding the parasol
Smug Francise says: No shade without a raid.
Smug Francise says: Without shade, I shall fade...
Placing the parasol
Lost Sybille says: Wherewithal for parasol!
Theotar says: This is precisely why I never endorse running with parasols!
Finding the toolkit
Oath or growth? Both both both!
Scratch, snatch, detach!
Placing the toolkit
Lost Sybille says: Defend friend, not offend.
Vulca says: Well, that is certainly convenient... How did my bag get out here?
Vulca says: Looks like all my tools are here. I owe someone a mirror.
Teapot found
Feign brain, fain insane.
Teapot placed
Lady Sybille says: Twin kin, lynchpin!
Tubbins says: Right where I knew it was the whole time!
Gubbins says: Tubbins knew! Yay, Tubbins!
Tubbins says: Yes, yes. Thank you, Gubbins. I am most smart!
Arrive at the tea party
Tubbins says: Sybille late! Tubbins early!
Theotar says: You are mistaken, my dear Tubbins. Lady Sybille always arrives precisely when she means to.
Vulca says: Good to see you, Sybille. Think I owe you a mirror.
Theotar says: That reminds me of the time I wandered into a changing room mirror that belonged to...

Patch changes

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