Tarenar Sunstrike (quest)

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NeutralTarenar Sunstrike
Start Fiona
End Tarenar Sunstrike
Level 15-30
Category Eastern Plaguelands
Experience 440
Rewards 5s
Next N [15-30] What I Do Best


Tarenar Sunstrike
Help me find Tarenar!

Find Tarenar Sunstrike at Death's Step in Eastern Plaguelands.


As soon as we stopped, they made a bet about "who could kill the most undead in five minutes."

It's been an hour, and I'm still waiting for them to come back.

I saw Tarenar run off to the southeast. Unfortunately, I can't leave the caravan here by itself. If you end up traveling in that direction, could you find him and send him back to me?


I've found them, <race>. The Scourge. How I've longed for this day.


You will receive: 5s


  1. Retrieve both Gidwin and Tarenar, in either order
  2. N [15-30] Onward, to Light's Hope Chapel
  3. N [15-30] Rough Roads
  4. N [15-30] Traveling Companions
  5. N [15-30] The Trek Continues
  6. N [15-30] Boys Will Be Boys
  7. N [15-30] A Boyhood Dream
  8. N [15-30] Argent Call: The Trial of the Crypt
  9. N [15-30] Argent Call: The Noxious Glade
  10. N [15-30] Argent Call: Northdale
  11. N [15-30] Ix'lar the Underlord
  12. N [15-30] Impatience
  13. N [15-30] Nobody to Blame but Myself
  14. N [15-30] Beat it Out of Them
  15. N [15-30] Blind Fury
  16. N [15-30] Guardians of Stratholme
  17. N [15-30] The Baroness' Missive
  18. N [15-30] Gidwin's Fate Revealed
  19. N [15-30] Journey's End

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