Talk:Wrapping Paper

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Possible future items

This discussion, how the current limitations of the Wrapping Paper items are not fundamental and could change, seemed worthwhile, but inappropriate for the main page, so I moved it to the talk page.

Other container items in WoW hold stacks, so there is not an intrinsic reason that wrapping paper can not. It is rather a game item design decision that they cannot. As such, it is possible that Wrapping Paper items could be added that allowed stacks to be wrapped.

Similarly, other container items in WoW hold multiple items, so it is possible that Wrapping Paper items could be added that allowed wrapping multiple items, though these would require a different creation mechanism for the gift package, perhaps something more like filling an inventory bag then closing it.

Allowing wrapping soulbound or other non-transferable items to be wrapped would require that the gift package also be soulbound in order to not create a loophole with which to transfer soulbound items. There is already provision in WoW to make non-soulbound items soulbound by tagging them with the soulbound property (it happens for example when poison is used on non-soulbound fist weapons). Adding the capability to wrap soulbound items and create a soulbound package would not benefit anyone. The current system prevents a player from accidentally wasting a Wrapping Paper on a soulbound item. Madkaugh (talk) 21:48, 27 February 2009 (UTC)