Talk:Tester's guide to the Feedback Tool

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Quest Entry Limit

Does anyone know if there's a limit to how many quests the tool will automatically list to provide feedback on?

After going through MH, all quests were being listed as i completed them, and as there was only about 2-3 that i felt required feedback, i ignored most until i came to them. When i went back to provide feeback for the last quest in the zone – The Firelord –, i noticed it was not listed, and also a few just before it were missing too. Since moving onto Vashj'ir, and having marked all the ones in the tool as skipped, no new quests have been added to the list for feedback – which is annoying, as Vashj'ir needs more feedback it seems. -- Zeal (T/C) 17:25, July 17, 2010 (UTC)

That's a damn good question... I won't fill out anymore and see how that works. ~ Sixen (talk) 08:34, July 19, 2010 (UTC)