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I've been trying to clarify the purpose of this page. Given the variety of ways the term "target" can be used, I've been trying to make it mainly about distinguishing between those meanings. A formatted list is a good way to do this, since moving from one bullet point to another emphasizes the change in meaning. Another way which might be more wikified is to put the major meanings in different sections - I may try that out soon.

Obviously this is also the appropriate place for details on how targeting works, so those are included as sub-points depending on the meaning to which it applies.

Because the page is already packed with alternate meanings, I don't think it's a good idea to add to the chaos by describing the interface methods and effects of selection. The term "select" is already used to describe targeting things using the interface, so that page is a good place for those interface details. This distinction and recommendation is also noted in this article's top section.

For this reason, I moved someone's contribution of the definition of "selection circle" to that page.

Some may ask why "current target" should be included here when that is determined by the interface, aka a facet of "selection". While "current target" is indeed closely related to the interface for players, it is also a more abstract game term. For instance, mobs have targets despite having no interface. "Current target", therefore, is a property of units themselves, not just an aspect of the game interface.

Hope this helps y'all understand why this is organized the way it is! - jerodast (talk) 17:43, 19 June 2014 (UTC)