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Urgreth of the Thousand Tombs (Tactics)

There is no page for Urgreth of the Thousand Tombs at this time, and I am not sure how to set one up.

Urgreth of the Thousand Tombs possesses a spell it has to stop and cast, a Shadow Nova (I believe). There is a message provided before he does this to warn you (I am sorry that I cannot remember the exact text). This does about 20-25k damage, and it repeats several times until the Etymidian is destroyed and then it splats you after you are knocked off. The damage cannot be healed through (ability #3) because apparently the healing ability seemed to be suppressed while Urgreth of the Thousand Tombs was using its special ability.

I checked out Thottbot and found the excellent suggestion of running away. You take the damage from the first Shadow Nova, but the rest misses. As soon as you are out of range, heal up and mana up (ability #4). Urgreth of the Thousand Tombs will run over to where you are by this time and begin combat again. Turn it around and then rinse and repeat.

If clear out a lane for yourself before attacking so you have a place to run to, that makes things a bit easier.