Talk:Power Word

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Shadow vs. Power (vs. Holy)

This article and its counterpart suggest that we have two types of Words, namely Shadow Words and Power Words, which is not up-to-date any longer. With Patch 4.0.1, Holy Words were (re-)introduced to the game, in the form of [Holy Word: Chastise] and its off-shoots. Since my knowledge about the underlying lore is limited, I don't know whether Shadow Words and Power Words are actually considered counterparts, as stated in the article. In case they are not*, I'd say we change the wording to include Holy Words. *(For now I'll just assume they aren't and will make a change accordingly – feel free to correct me.)

One more thing I'd like to note: The two pre-4.0.1 Power Words (Shield and Fortitude) were Holy Words originally. In Patch 0.12, they were changed to Power Words, and I'm fairly certain there was an official statement long ago (probably a blue post by Kalgan) stating that this was necessary because it was confusing to have Holy Words not in the holy, but in the discipline tree. (Which suggests that Power Words and Holy Words correspond to the discipline and the holy tree, respectively. This still seems to be valid considering that they actually called the new holy-tree words "Holy Words".) As far as I remember, the post also mentioned that Words are meant to be instant-cast spells (which is still true as well). Unfortunately, I cannot find anything that gives a hint of the source so I'll leave it out. Perhaps someone else knows more about this. --Bfx (talk) 07:09, 27 October 2010 (UTC)