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Legion participation

I didn't have Chronicle nearby when I made the edit earlier, but here are the bits I'm referring to from Chronicle:

"Girded for war, the combined might of the Pantheon confronted Sargeras and his unholy Legion near a world called Nihilam." (page 50, "Sargeras and the Betrayal")
"Infuriated by this unthinkable murder, the Pantheon launched an all-out assault on Sargeras and his Burning Legion." (page 50 again)
"The Burning Legion had triumphed over the Pantheon, and Sargeras moved to rally even more demons to his cause. Yet the fight with the Pantheon had exposed a flaw in his seemingly unstoppable army — one that he was determined to remedy.
For all of Sargeras's vast power and intellect, he could not direct his entire army at once. Demons were vicious and bloodthirsty, but most lacked strategic thinking. Much of the Legion had fallen needlessly to the Pantheon."
(page 51, "The Burning Crusade")

Seems to pretty clearly indicate to me that the battle was between the Pantheon and the Legion, not just the Pantheon and Sargeras. -- IconSmall TrollDeathKnight Male.gif DeludedTroll (talkcontribs) 16:17, 19 October 2016 (UTC)

I think it's more like when you say "England has won the world cup", England didn't win the world cup, the guys that actually did were the soccer team of England. So here the Pantheon declared war on the Legion but really they only fought Sargeras. This is supported by the fact that it says, as you quoted, "the Burning Legion had triumphed over the Pantheon" when they didn't, Sargeras did, he murdered them all with his gigantic Fel storm, yet credit goes to "the Legion", just like credit goes to "England" when the team of England wins a cup. In addition, Demons are simply no match for a single Titan, so half a dozen of them ? The battle between Sargeras and the Pantheon was so intense it literally destroyed stars and planets around them, any Demon that would have tried to approach would thus have had to be instantly vaporized or something. Even if they just sat there on Nihilam and watched, a lot of them would have gotten annihilated still. I mean, literally, Nihilam was absolutely ravaged by the battle. I really don't see how Demons 1) could have been useful 2) could have been able to do anything. This is supported by the fact that there's not a single mention of the Pantheon dealing with Demons directly, all they said was that they cast spells against Sargeras and fought Sargeras and exchanged blows with Sargeras. No mention of Demon. Beware, I'm not saying no Demons got directly killed by the Pantheon, it's fairly plausible that they tried, but I'm talking about the majority, all I'm saying is that the majority probably watched from afar, I can hardly imagine the entire Legion running towards their death like that. This is just me giving an opposite point of view from yours so there can be a debate, I'm not sure which one is true. -- User:ShellShockLive 18:26, 20 October 2016 (GMT+1)
I understand your point, but that is just your interpretation and nothing of the sort is mentioned during the Nihilam section in Chronicle. The way I've written the page currently is just restating what is stated in the book, but if one were to edit the page to omit any mentions of the Burning Legion, then that would contradict Chronicle and go against Project:NPOV, which states that fan interpretation is not allowed outside of speculation sections and that one should not edit pages to remove correctly cited details. The book mentions the Legion taking part in the battle, hence the article should mention that as well. -- IconSmall TrollDeathKnight Male.gif DeludedTroll (talkcontribs) 10:09, 31 October 2016 (UTC)