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The blue dot not working in Opera

"* Party members: If your character is in a party, any party members will appear on the map as yellow-outlined, blue dots (  ). Arrows on the edge of the mini-map circle will point to party members out of view."

The "" dot is displayed black (#000000) in Opera, propably because that attributes hexadecimal value isn't full 6 characters, it's only 3. I'd suggest to make it complete. (Either 66FFFF or 66F000, propably the last of those two?) ~ FireFly 11:27, 9 April 2007 (EDT)

Problem solved by using an image instead. --Gengar orange 22x22.png Fandyllic (talk · contr) 1:13 AM PST 30 Nov 2007

friendly dots

"Detectable friendly creatures appear as white-outlined green blips ( Iconsmall-obj4.png )."

Just noticed this was wrong... while running around today I noticed that friendly npcs are actually gold-outlined green blips. I changed the text, but I didn't know if we had a dot for it yet. Only friendly players are white-outlined green blips. User:CoobraSssssssssssssssssssssssss User:CoobraFor Pony! {TDon't hiss at me.CIf you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.) 03:21, 22 January 2008 (UTC)


This page no longer appears to be much of a stub, so could I remove the "this article is a stub" notice?  Bill I AM BILL AND I AM A TAUREN HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (talk - contr - web)