Talk:Mill Courier

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I don't think Peasant is a race.LOL I think that would be more of a class. He looks human, but i am not sure if officially he is an "unknown" humanoid or a "human" humanoid.  Rolandius Wc3Knight.gif (talk - contr) 03:14, 16 July 2008 (UTC) unknown humanoid... he looks human to me, feels like a human, tastes like a human, he must have been human. /me puts away [Exotic Cookbook]. User:CoobraSssssssssssssssssssssssss User:CoobraFor Pony! {TDon't hiss at me.CIf you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.) 07:20, 16 July 2008 (UTC)
LOL I know I would say human too. You know sometimes they have those uncategorizable characters though. I should have said uncategorized, and not unknown now that I remember.  Rolandius Wc3Knight.gif (talk - contr) 09:09, 16 July 2008 (UTC)