Talk:MACRO metashowtooltip

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The tooltip does not dynamically appear at all in 3.3. Does anyone know when this functionality was removed? D3jag (talk) 01:01, January 31, 2010 (UTC)

Works fine for me. You must have an addon interfering or the macro you have isn't properly written. Posted by: EGingell (T|C|F) on 01:13, January 31, 2010 (UTC)
With no addons active, and a very simple macro, no fucntionality. Is there another macro I can try that is known to work?
The macro:
Name: "Tackle Box"
Script: "/use Jeeves"
The resulting tooltip:
Tackle Box
D3jag (talk) 03:23, February 1, 2010 (UTC)
I don't see "#showtooltip" in that macro. How can you say something doesn't work when it can't work because it's not there?
/use Jeeves
Posted by: EGingell (T|C|F) on 09:42, February 1, 2010 (UTC)


The tooltip doesn't dynamically appear by default anyway for macros, it hasn't been that way for years, if I remember. I don't think macros have ever said anything in the tooltip when placed in the action bar besides the name of the macro, hence the reason Bliz put this in. For clarity, I always use the name of the spell after #showtooltip, but it doesn't have to be. --DrDoom (talk) 23:23, February 1, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks DrDoom! I wasn't talking about #showtooltip, I was talking about when you don't have it specified. The metashowtooltip page has a reference that is confusing. By default, the UI will pull information from /cast, /castsequence, /castrandom, /use, /userandom, /equip, or /equipslot.
I'll think long and hard on how (if at all possible) to reorganize the notes in a fassion that will reduce confusion. Additionally, I think #show and #showtooltip are compatable now. Gonna have to do more research and get back.
Thanks egingell and DrDoom. Brand new to this wiki, glad I didn't get flamed out.
D3jag (talk) 14:24, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
#show is the default and all it does is show the icon for the spell/item/ability. Also, #show and #showtooltip won't work at the same time. The first one takes precedence. If #show is first, the icon will change while the tooltip does not. #showtooltip does both anyway, so it's a moot point. Posted by: EGingell (T|C|F) on 23:47, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
I think I finally get it! Thanks again EGingell.
The last bullet under Notes could probably be condensed into an additional line item under the main heading... along with the other example usages. That way the variants are all listed in one place (as a no-arguments command is still a variant). Also Shows a spell icon could omit the icon, as it shows both the tooltip and the icon from the spell.
Last thing that isn't mentioned... Conditionals are valid here. I've built macros recently that use #showtooltip [modifier:shift] itemx; itemy. I'll do the edits this evening if nobody objects. I'm patching WoW now, and want to prove before editing. --D3jag (talk) 14:47, February 4, 2010 (UTC)
Nobody will object to you editing a page to add more information. As long as it's accurate. If anybody objects, they'll undo the edit. Posted by: EGingell (T|C|F) on 08:16, February 5, 2010 (UTC)