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Really a half-troll?

When I was reading the manga- I got the impression that the joke about his "troll mother" was referencing that compared to normal elves (high elves) he was much taller and had longer ears kinda like trolls. Its also been hinted that night elves and trolls have a similar history- but I think it was meant to be an joke/insult. He also has no troll features (tusks, fewer fingers/toes, etc)- he looks like a normal night elf.

The night elf (males) awoke only recently- and it seems odd that in the brief time that they've had contact with each other there was time for him to reach adulthood... and that night elves would ALLOW such a thing to happen...--Blayaden (talk) 18:12, November 23, 2009 (UTC)

Well, we don't even know the type of troll, it could be dark troll, a type that had contact with night elves. The night elf males awoke recently, but it is never told that his grandfather had to be a male night elf, his grandmother could have been the night elf and the grandfather the troll. It may not have troll features, but neither Garona has much in common to the draenei. Also how do you know the night elves wouldn't allow this to happen?
There is the possibility that it's only an insult for part of the dwarf as you say, but Lelior accept it saying "at least I have a mother...", so it leaves the two possibilities open. I made the introducction to the article just presenting the facts so that readers can make their own interpretations. Benitoperezgaldos (talk) 20:07, November 23, 2009 (UTC)
I just got the impression that the entire conversation was just a (jokingly) bash of insults between him and Ciarin- who recieved his fair share of insults if I recall... Also, I think most night elves were pretty xenophobic before the third war- from what I gathered from the article on the wiki here. Just my two bits. It also looks like someone changed the article to be a bit more ambiguous, so that works fine with me. (it IS pretty ambiguous after all)--Blayaden (talk) 14:58, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah Dark T Zeratul's change is a good solution, it leaves it ambiguous, just like the manga. Benitoperezgaldos (talk) 18:03, November 24, 2009 (UTC)