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Five-man comment removed

I removed the bit about a five-man group being needed. I did this with two people. But that's besides the point. He's fearable, which means he's soloable.--Hobinheim (talk · contr) 16:31, 3 January 2007 (EST)

Happy Days for warlocks! as of 2.3 he's no longer elite and soloable at 50. Tuck23 02:10, 1 December 2007 (UTC)


after 2.3 he's non elite, and he's so easy its no longer fun! i wish i could've seen him when he was non elite. my friend an i did this and we were disappointed, even EL Pollo Grande is tougher then this guy. --Truckman1 21:33, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

Definately anticlimactic. On my druid, I'd helped several people with this quest, and even at 60 we'd occasionally get beaten. It was actually more difficult to collect the fel essences to jumpstart him than it was to beat him. Standard affliction dots, blueberry keeping his attention...collapse. "Is that it?" --Azaram 09:05, 11 February 2008 (UTC)

Cataclysm changes.

After the events of the shattering and the class changes, Kroshius is now a quest objective that must be killed by adventurers. Can some one edit?

Sorry if this looks sloppy

the update I did for his new graphic and role in cataclysm may look clumsy, im not used to dealing with wiki's much. -- Stage

I've removed the NPCbox (we don't normally have 2 boxes on the same page) and added the old picture of him in the Classic Strategy part. The only thing the page is missing now is probably to be updated with his new storyline (if there is one). - Aedror (talk) 17:52, 4 December 2010 (UTC)