Talk:Hero class/Archive01

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"Firelord" is listed as a possible hero class, based on lore, but the link is to the Firelord elementals in the Molten Core; I don't know of the lore behind this being a possible class... perhaps editing of that page is needed to explain the link ? - Verdantrex - 2/28/07

old stuff

any reason for any of the old stuff? hero classes are here and confirmed IKT 18:57, 3 August 2007 (UTC)

Death Knight? That sounds like Forsaken O_o What means "Inscription"? Tell me is not an "extra payment" please, please, please D: -- Ravenore, the Necroshadowmancer 20:06, 3 August 2007 (UTC)
Check the Death Knight wowwiki page for more information on it, and inscription is to modify spells, such as give 'fireball' spell a knockback or more direct damage, or a longer dot etc. IKT 14:12, 4 August 2007 (UTC)
I agree. The old rumors of hero classes are long obsolete and I'm not at all sure why we're keeping them this long.
Chrazriit 18:26, 10 August 2007 (UTC)

And next time try to make your posts look nice, bad grammar does not give the right kind of message.Mr.X8 01:53, 5 August 2007 (UTC)

What about Ranger

I was wondering, since Blood Elves are already in WoW, and possibly High Elves in the future, could we put ranger as a possibility in here? I mean its not like Blizzard can't ass classes to races already in WoW. Mr.X8 03:42, 8 August 2007 (UTC)

Ok, well rangers are a possibillity. They are a little too similar to hunters for my tastes, ranger being just a title that you can give hunters in my oppinion, but it's still a possibillity that can't entirely be ruled out. In the mean time, High Elves are not a possibillity(Very right that is, I would just like to point out that they are actualy the same race-SMG). We have Blood Elves. 2 races of elves (one for each faction) is really enough, and lore wise their really aren't enough devoted high elves to sustain them being playable. Meneldir

Ok, some of these listed should not be here.

Look, I'm not looking to kill peoples dreams here, but 3 of these hero classes listed are not hero classes. I seriously doubt they ever will be. They will be in game though. In fact 2 of them alreaday are. They just aren't hero classes. They are professions. Right now, anyone can be an enchanter or an engineer, and soon we will have inscribers as well. None of them will be Hero classes. Meneldir

Remove them then. You explained why above. If someone has a good argument for why they could be hero classes (doubtful), they could add them back. --Fandyllic (talk · contr) 10:19 AM CT 11 Aug 2007
What about Keeper of the Grove? Shouldn't that at least be Arch Druid? Never heard of a Night Elf mutating into a Keeper... --Super Bhaal 16:18, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
How is a CLASS a profession? You don't "learn how to be a Death Knight," you CREATE one. All you have to do is get a character to level 55 or higher, and you get to make a Death Knight character (not turn your level 55 character into a Death Knight). Felindre

It looks like there may be a limit.

I'm not sure, but it seems that the FAQ for WotLC seems to indicate that that there may be only one hero class per expansion, which may seriously limit the number of Hero Classes in-game. I largely base this on this quote taken from the FAQ: "Will there be additional hero classes in the future?" "Yes, we do intend to add more hero classes in the future, but right now our focus is on the current expansion."(emphasis added)

I don't like it, but that's what seems to be happening. Thoughts? Meneldir

I think that means that they want to get the content done (stuff to 80, couple of end game dungeons), and then work on heros. --Sky (t · c · w) 05:13, 12 August 2007 (UTC)
Definitely one hero class for WotLK (Not quoting Blizzard), but that doesn't mean only one for each xpac in the future. --Raze 08:10, 12 August 2007 (UTC)
It might end up working the same way they've added extra instances. Basically every 'big' patch as well as with expansions. I guess it depends on the freqency of expansions and how many Hero Classes Blizzard want to end up with.EvilGrin 12:52, 15 August 2007 (UTC)

Hero classes based on professions

I think it would be great to have hero classes based on professions like Tinker based on Engineering and Potion Doc on Alchemy, and Maybe a Runemaster based on Inscription. I have a fan fiction page on the Potion doc User:Zakolj/Possible Potion doc Hero class tell me what you think Zakolj 12:56, 17 August 2007 (UTC)

Hero class subjestions

A hero class I think would be really cool would be gryphon rider, it wouldnt exacly "fly" they would hover and to fly it would cost mana/rage/energy/runes and it would be like a rouges sprint, it would be a large cooldown and also, like a hunter without their pet and ranged weopon, they CAN fight without their gryphon but their usally less powerful and some spells would require u to be on your gryphon. Also, your gryphon would hover, not fly (except for the abilty). They would have quests every 5 levels or so to get a new stormhammer for their moves require them like a rouge needs a dagger in main hand for ambush and backstab. They would fit in well with the South Seas expantion I think. I need suggestions on what kind of power they have like Mana/Rage/Energy/Runes but it can't be runes cause that dosn't fit in, can't be any of the others cause their to plain for a Hero class so we would need a new kind that makes sense with the class. Also they would wear mail and be a dps/crowd control class. they would start in Aerie Mountains. What do ya think? And what would be a good power?

Why not Sea Witch

I know this sounds stupid, because only naga have been reported to be it, not to mention theres only females reported, but it was a hero in WC3, and from what I've seen, most other heroes are included. Christ, even Dreadlords are included, and we all know it is rather a title for the nathrezim than a true class. Sea Witch, however, can be concidered a class, and it is NOT included? I mean, come on! You could include something that is a mere title rather than a class, like the Keeper of the Grove and Dreadlord, but you cannot include Sea Witch, which is more of a class than the previous two? A class can be tought between other races, too, while a racial title can not. I mean, who said that all sea witches have to be naga? Other races could wield that magic too. So I suggest you add sea witch too, to make the list of even remotely possible candidates more complete. --Kulsprutejojjo 23:22, 6 November 2007 (UTC)

I added it to the list. Zakolj 01:06, 7 November 2007 (UTC)


I couldn't resist, and am suprised others have resisted. I should be ashamed.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Technotaoist (talk · contr).

Do what Mr. T did and hack the game so you can make a Mohawk class.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Felindre (talk · contr).

Zones - a clue?

We all know this: to create a Death knight, your character must have at least level 55. Your Death knight will then start at level 55 in Ebon hold in Eastern Plaguelands. To make the game balanced, also the other hero classes in future should start at level 55 - and this requires a suitable zone. When excluding EPL, then we get 4 other zones: Western Plaguelands, Burning Steppes, Winterspring and Silithus. Does it mean, that there will be 4 other hero classes? Naze (talk) 12:13, 19 July 2008 (UTC)

You're making assumptions that can't be proven (but neither disaproved of course). Perhaps the next hero class wil require a level 65 and say, start in Nagrand? Only blizzard (may) know yet. CogHammer.gif Ose talk/3721 12:17, 19 July 2008 (UTC)
Well I guess that is a good theory if: 1) The future hero classes all start at level 55 also. 2) No other zones are put into the game that fit those 5 zones you also mentioned.  Rolandius Wc3Knight.gif (talk - contr) 12:19, 19 July 2008 (UTC)
I agree, both of you are right. However, if Blizzard keeps the same requirements for a Hero class, then there are only these 5 zones + 1 more; Moonglade. It already serves as an "Ebon hold" for druids and it has an easy access to Winterspring, so it could also serve as a starting zone for an archdruid or a similar class. Anyway, I realize, that this is just a supposition.Naze (talk) 12:47, 19 July 2008 (UTC)
Well considering everything for the death knights is being added and is extending EPL for the purpose of storyline, whos to say that they could do that anywhere. Grim Batol currently has level 60 elite guarding the place... they could extend the actual zone Grim Batol instead of the place to serve as a new starting hero class area. So don't just think level 55+ zones (as they currently stand) would be the only places to use. There's also Mount Hyjal, Gilneas, and any other place that doesn't exist just as yet. As far as I can see, there's 12 spots (not including any islands) that bliz could expand into. User:CoobraSssssssssssssssssssssssss User:CoobraFor Pony! {TDon't hiss at me.CIf you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.) 20:11, 19 July 2008 (UTC)

New Hero Class ideas?

All the hero class idea i have heard seem too similar to existing classes or simply don't follow existing warcraft lore. EX: Ranger, Necromancer, and Archdruid. While all these classes would follow existing lore they all have to much similarity to existing classes to ever be implemented in my opinion. Also after seeing the april fools joke about the bard hero class i heard some people say if taken seriously this could be a good hero class. While it is inarguably unique and would not clash with existing classes it has no base (that i know of) in warcraft lore and therefore again is not going to be a viable hero class. One hero class idea that i must admit has both a unique aspect and fits in with warcraft lore is the Demon Hunter. If anyone else has any idea's that fit both these criteria please post them i would love to hear everyones ideas. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Pahco (talk · contr).

Thank you for you're opinions, please sign your comments in the future. User:CoobraSssssssssssssssssssssssss User:CoobraFor Pony! {TDon't hiss at me.CIf you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.) 21:22, 3 September 2008 (UTC)

Possible Hero Class - DEMON

I have been interested in the Warcraft World since Warcraft II. I loved the RTS game and all of its following incarnations. Naturally, I am addicted to WoW and love experiencing the rich lore that is the World of Warcraft. I could not wait to play around in Outlands. Counted the days until I could experience Northrend and play the Death Knight Hero class. I have since made my Deathknight, Firmaighe on Destromath realm my main (I have quite a long way until I ding 80, but I love the class nonetheless).

That said, ever since first hearing about the DK Hero class I have wondered about, and scoured the internet for, future possible Hero classes. There are many different ides out there, all of which would be very interesting to experience, but many of them lack the "whole package" that was the DK. The hero class is billed as being a class with a noticeably different play style than a normal class. The mechanics of a hero class must be different than normal classes, IE no mana/rage/energy but combinations or reinterpretations of them. Also, a hero class, at least in my opinion, should be a class available to all races. I also like the idea of such hero classes starting out a higher level, and requiring an account to have at least a certain level character. The concept of the hero class starting out in a seperate zone is pretty cool too. The DK accomplished, or perhaps paved the way, for all of these requirements in spades. What other ideas that are out there are possible?

Bards, Monks, Demon Hunters and Brewmasters have all been mentioned and I believe are pretty viable. However, their history in the lore of Warcraft may not be as prevalent as the Death Knight was. (Please do not tear me apart on this one, I am not an expert on the lore of warcraft by any means...I am simply a long-time fan and going on memory here). One particular entity that has existed in warcraft lore for quite some time, is the Demon. While the warlock possesses a talent that can turn it into a demon, I think there is much more that can be done, and that a separate hero class dedicated to the demon is definitely a possibility.

For starters, a demon heroic class could easily be made available to all races. Perhaps the inclusion of different horns, wings, tattoos, and sickly looking skin colors would be all that is necessary to change the appearance of any given race. The playstyle of a demon class could be based on "demonic power"...something similar to energy, but as it is depleted perhaps the demon becomes more powerful or has abilities open up, or new abilities become available at the cost of HP only after all demonic power is used up, etc. The demon hero class could specialize, as there is already a Demon type that mobs can be...all of which can perform a myriad of abilities. The demon class could specialize as a pure shadow DPS class...less of a DOT type, more of a melee/direct spell damage type. The demon class, with wings attached to their bodies, could also have the ability to fly...similar to druid's flying form. The DK heroic class brought about the concept of rune weapons...perhaps the demon class could introduce the concept of summoned weapons. (This is merely an idea out of left is not based on my knowledge of a demon's ability to summon weapons). It could somehow absorb a given weapon and then re-emerge it with a Demon class-only enchantment...while making it dark and sinister looking.

Since the DK hero class brought about the concept of starting at a given level in a specific zone, demons could start at say lvl 65...and in Outlands. The demons, like the DKs, could start out as agents of evil forces (this is an egregious error on my part...I have a blank in my brain and cannot think of the "bad guys" that the horde and alliance are fighting against...please forgive me). The beginning zone could have them battle Horde and Alliance forces. Then, as the Demon reaches the appropriate level (say 68-70) some sort of event could take place breaking ties with the evil forces. The lore associated with making this idea possible could include something like how the DKs are hated when they first arrive in a capital city. They are spat on and rude gestures are made at them. Since both the Alliance and Horde have been battling demons for thousands of years, when a demon class first enters a capital city it could be spat on and made rude gestures at, or even arrive via armed guards.

I think the possibilities are pretty endless when it comes to a Demon Hero class. In any case, Blizzard knows what they are doing. There is a reason why there are any of these posts to begin Blizzard has created and maintained one of the most engrossing concepts of all time.

I hope my thread at least opens up some venues for discussion. And if Blizzard happens to read my post and maybe even make it a reality...please hook it up ;-)

I dont want to tear you apart as you said but i can't see demon as a viable hero class. While they are overly prevalant in warcraft lore there is some other things that need to be taken into consideration. First off only a few races are currently classified as demons a few of those being Man'ari Eredar, Nathrezim (Dreadlords), etc. While there have been cases of current races turning into demons such as Illidan and the Fel Orcs (which were still usually classified as humanoids throughout WoW), this was always done through infusing the creatures with Fel energy. Fel energy is inherantly evil and whenever a creature was infused with this energy they have always been evil. I just can't see a class that is fueled by pure evil becoming someone that can fight for the greater good. I know what your going to say.... what about warlocks shadowpriests and deathknights. Well my response to that is that they manipulate evil magic/creatures for good rather than being driven by that magic. I don't think blizzard is willing to make demons something that can be not evil. Who knows though i suppose anything is possible but all the lore ive ever seen would go against it. Pahco (talk) 14:34, 17 December 2008 (UTC)