Talk:Creating GUI configuration options

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Is it just me, or do I say `notice' in this howto way too much? - Quadir

Seem too big, badly organized, and not explained. Also need proofreading. But it's a start. Any takers? - Quadir

Extremely out of date

This page should be deleted or (at the very least) contain a warning to users about how out of date it is.

It uses a looooot of programming practices that are out of date and now discouraged, and the entire article could be condensed into like 2 paragraphs since Blizzard's creation of InterfaceOptionsFramePanelContainer.

Nobody should be doing anything on this page in the year 2013 (this article was made in 2005). Simca (talk) 23:19, 8 January 2013 (UTC)