Talk:Clown Suit vs Nightslayer

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Using a widely accepted agility equivalence formula, full Shadowcraft is pretty comparable to the clown suit.

The formula (from is: 1 Agility = 1 Stamina = 2 Strength = .1% Crit. = 5 Defense = .33% Dodge = .2% Parry = .13% To Hit = 2 Attack Power = 4 Any Resistance = 5 Health/5 Sec. = 50 Armor

Using this, the stats on the clown suit add up to 331, and full shadowcraft is 319 plus the chance on hit to restore 35 energy. Pretty close. Nightslayer is 452, plus its set bonuses.

Clown Suit?

Why is this combination of items known as the "clown suit"? Is it a common fan name for it? It's not even that colorful. Inv misc orb 04.pngXavius, the Satyr Lord 12:09, 30 August 2008 (UTC)