Talk:Carlin Redpath

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Given what we now know about the formation of the Argent Dawn, it seems odd that Carlin Redpath would have been found by them after the Battle of Darrowshire, which is said to have taken place during the Third War. The only explanation I can think of is that the battle occurred later than was indicated (after the Third War had ended). The creation of the Scarlet Crusade and the betrayal of the Ashbringer that resulted in the creation of the Argent Dawn can't have happened that early, as it requires Balnazzar to already have placed himself within their ranks (which seems unlikely give that he was busy rampaging across Lordaeron with the rest of the Legion at the time). - Dark T Zeratul 07:53, 2 May 2007 (EDT)

Its probably just a mistake on Blizz's part. (Mr.X8 00:41, 27 May 2007 (UTC))