Talk:Captured Gnome

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I have to say that it was disappointing to see this poor little guy. It never surprises me to see the Forsaken to treating their prisoners badly, and I can see certain blood elves doing the same (not counting M'uru of course), but I honestly thought that the Darkspears were above using slave labor. I haven't been to many of the Alliance settlements in Outland yet, but when I do go there I'll be surprised if they have anything like a "captured blood elf" toiling away for his cruel masters. Kind of unfair, I think, since some players make their decision on what to roll based on which side are the "good guys."--Illidan Rocks 13:25, 29 May 2007 (UTC)

This is nothing compared to the inhumane standards in the Stockades. Zarnks 22:30, 30 May 2007 (UTC)

Agreed. It's no wonder those Defias guys are rioting. I'm surprised that they haven't starved to death yet. Eman91 21:31, 6 April 2008 (UTC)Eman91
Oh I agree, and when I first went to the Stockades and saw all the torture devices I thought "WOW, the ACLU would just love this place." But with the gnome, we don't know his story, and in the absence of anything suggesting that he committed some horrible crime against the trolls to deserve this treatment I'm going to guess that he was just another Alliance soldier who got captured in the middle of a battle and turned into slave labor.--Illidan Rocks 03:34, 1 June 2007 (UTC)
I'm not very familiar with the alliance, but there are many examples of Horde mistreating prisoners. There are four Forsaken quests where a toxin is tested on a prisoner by giving them food laced with it, all of which die horibbly. There is a Troll (Jin'zil i think) in Stonetalon who tests his "forest magic" on three captive night elves and kills all three. There is the Forsaken Apothecary who has something like 5 humans captive and is doing experiments on them.
Anyways, I don't think Trolls have all that much honor, heck they used to be cannibals. Orcs though do have honor, and I can't think of any similar examples for them. Sahuagin 01:46, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

Cannabilism was simply part of their culture. That doesn't make them evil or bad. The fact they are so selflesly loyal to the orcs shows them to be extremely honorable. Zarnks 02:57, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

I'd imagine its even worse in the The Vault in Stormwind. Of course we can also look at this in another way such as the alliance doesn't have many prisoners since they just kill them instead :p Leviathon 03:04, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

Actually there isn't that much wrong about the Stockades considering it's setting, you have to remember these are "medieval" times compared to the times we currently live in. If you only go back 200 years in our own history, you'll find plenty of torture. Infact one can say that Quantanamo bay is using torture.

Oh btw , Nelfs and Belfs also have dungeons like the ones in the Stockades, not the same architecture ofcourse but the principle remains the same. The only one I haven't read about having a similair dungeon, are the non bloodlusted Orcs and the Dwarves outside of the Dark Iron Clans (who also torture ;)). The Orcs, even though Thrall forbid it, still have slavery. It is part of Orc culture and even in the new Horde still practised. So I don't think the Trolls are evil in this as such, they are just copying what they see thier Orc friends do. After all it is stated that after they gave up some of thier customs they overtook some of the Orcish customs including even some kindness and comradeship. Who says they didn't take over slavery from the ones that take the "anti slavery laws" of Thrall not so literraly and explain it like:"That is only counting for Orcs, other races can be enslaved" or just ignore it all together.

What makes it rather wierd is the current state of the world, every little provocation can lead to a war. I don't think Thrall would like to find out that the Trolls are keeping a Gnome slave or the Lepper Gnome slaves in Silvermoon. Will be fun when he does, if he is still the same honourable Thrall of Warcraft 3 ofcourse. Sowwy I love Thrall alot as a character, would be fun to see the guy into some classic action again like he was in WC3 :). --Dehnus (talk) 20:41, 16 June 2008 (UTC)


Hey anyone know what the Gnome says? It would take an alliance getting into Zabra'jin to hear the lines. The Troll says either:

"If you're no good at fixing, we'll see if you're good for eating. Now WORK!" or "Hurry up with that axe, you! I want it sharp enough to cut the wind!"

and then the Gnome replies either: [Common] "Waldir algOs thor lo" or [Common] "O algOs dyrstigost bur"

Sahuagin 02:25, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

One of the things he says is 'Please don't hurt me' and the other is 'I can't understand you!' Leviathon 02:51, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

Removed line about attacking Alliance

It's unclear why, although captured, he is flagged as a Horde member and attackable by Alliance players, when he could have just been marked friendly to all players if he was a captured Alliance gnome.

It seems to have been fixed, so I removed the above line, but if someone could verify this. Snake.gifSssssssssssssssssssssssss Coobra sig3.gifFor Pony! (Sssss/Slithered) 02:30, April 23, 2010 (UTC)