Talk:Brigitte Abbendis/Archive 1

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Character Class

Paladin or Warrior? N'Nanz 17:23, 15 June 2007 (UTC)

Paladin of course. According to the LoC, she was training young paladins of the Silver Hand in the past - and she used the Holy Light in cleansing the Ashbringer crystal. Tulon 21:00 20 Jun 2007
Actually Lands of Conflict was discussing a different High General Abbendis, a man.Bagginshobbit.pngBagginstalk § contr11:41, 18 August 2007 (UTC)
Relatives? Retconned gender? --Super Bhaal 13:40, 18 August 2007 (UTC)
Retconned, of course. There is only one High General Abbendis who founded the Crusade (both in LoC and WoW), they just swapped the gender. Whilst I appreciate your effort with creating a second page for the alternate Abbendis, Baggins, I do think it is counterproductive in this case, only irritating the readers. --Tulon 17:20, 11 September 2007

The Two Abbendises

I am convinced that it is important to merge the two seperate articles again. Clearly, all sources show that there is only ONE Abbendis. Just because they retconned the gender doesn't mean there are two when all other facts remain the same. LoC sais Abbendis founded the Crusade, as does Fairbanks in WoW. The two articles right now are only doing two things: irritating the readers, and keeping lore facts from being applied to the Abbendis we see in WoW. Her article looks quite poor to me right now. Your opinions? --Tulon 17:30, 11 September 2007

Please talk in one place, Talk:Abbendis.Baggins 18:34, 12 September 2007 (UTC)
Note: As mentioned in the page, Dark Factions confirms there were infact two Abbendises, and that the current one is the daughter of the other.Baggins (talk) 03:49, 18 May 2008 (UTC)

But we saw in TBC, by the time Thrall escape from prison, which was 7 years before WOW, the female Abbendise is already an adult, at least 20 and able to attend Silverhand meeting. So this makes her around 30 in WOW at least, but in LOC it said the male one is only 40th. This is nonsense, it's impossible for him to have a child when he was about 15 years old. Master3 20 May 2008

First off in the RPG, 15 is actually the official adulthood for humans, see age. 15 is not completely off for marriage by some world standards, past and present, see Wikipedia:Adult. Its just not adult by modern western earth standards. But Azeroth is not earth. Also even by earth standards its hardly "impossible" for male humans to produce children at 15. On earth adolescence begin at around age 12, and for a few its possible to produce children at that age. But again this isn't earth.
Secondly it doesn't say elder Abbendis was 40, it says he was in his 40s that makes him anywhere between 40-49. If he was 48 for example and his daughter 30. That would mean he had conceived his daughter around 18 (well his wife of course), which isn't terrible off for modern western standards. Still I remind this is Azeroth not earth, it has its own standards.Baggins (talk) 03:40, 25 May 2008 (UTC)
Actually Master3, if she was at least 20 during the meeting, and you add 7 years, that would make her around 27. The father is in his 40's so let us say that the father is 41-49, and we pick the middle number, he would be about 45. The father would have been 17, which sounds like it could happen.  Rolandius Paladin.gif (talk - contr) 14:08, 15 August 2008 (UTC)