Talk:Blue Plz!

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Hmm, I don't know if I did the right thing in creating an article about this site. I figured official fan sites got articles, but since there's no article about the concept of an official fan site, perhaps I was wrong. Or perhaps the archives are simply incomplete! I'll let more experienced users judge. Sprachel (talk) 19:30, July 5, 2010 (UTC)

Blimey, page was updated during the time I took to create an account! Was going to say that the stub was incredibly inaccurate and (if anything) should probably redirect to Wow Radio, which already has a page, but it looks like that won't be necessary now that the CB forum knows about it. - TLH

Anyone have a sure Start day for Blue Plz. The first date I can find in the wow radio archive is May 23,2005. If that wrong please update the info box Mattyankees (talk)