Talk:Blood Knights/Analysis

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So Thrall and Cairne just let the Blood elves rape and torture a angelic being of divine energy! And the light can just be stolen by any common thug now huh. If they had to have blood elf paladins couldn't they have had be small sects of blood elves who still believed in the light,or had them be like the scarlet crusade

Angry ogre

The Blood Knights are very useful for the Horde, even if they get from a strange way. Blood Elves like to experiment new things. Like the Undead who create their new plague, Blood Elves seek new way to stay alive by sucking energy from everything they can find, The Avatar of the Sunwell is the only thing that could probably change the mind of the BloodElf... and even after they recover the energy from it, many will be too much addicted to Demonic Energy to come back to the Arcane Energy. They don't really have the choice to suck energy from Demonic Force, Demons and Even the "God of the Draenei" the Naaru. The BloodElf probably didn't care about the fact the Naaru are a god for the Draenei, they probably didn't even know what it was when they found him in Tempest Keep. Kael Sensed the high energy coming from the creature and though it was a good food for his people, Kael became a little bit too much evil and we will need to kill him. "The Light" is something hard to describe, Is it a way to think ? An inner energy ? A power from a creature ? If you heard about the story of Tirion Fording, the Light is something strange:

"Ultimately, it was decided that since Tirion had assaulted Alliance soldiers, he could no longer be a member of the Silver Hand, and was doomed to exile. Uther the Lightbringer performed a ceremony to strip Tirion of his powers and sent him home to gather some supplies.


When they were in the wilds, Tirion saw that Eitrigg was near death, and did the only thing he could do, call upon the powers of the Light to heal the orc who had saved him. To his surprise, he still had the powers blessed by the Light, and Eitrigg was saved."

The Scarlet Crusade had a good idea at the start, The Ashbringer was the best thing that could happen, the organization was noble. Everything changed when the son of the Ashbringer (Morgraine in the Cathedral of Scarlet Monastery) sold the soul of his father to Kel'Thuzad by killing him with the sword of his father (That's why you see him in Naxxramas). The Leader of Scarlet Crusade is an evil guy, those who didn't like his vision of the World created the Argent Dawn. Argent Dawn, Scarlet Crusade and the Brotherhood of Light are all the same thing... They are from the original Scarlet Crusade under the Ashbringer who took different way with different vision of the Undead Eradication.

To the point of view of the BloodElf, nothing is really wrong, but if you take the point of view of others races... it's different. The Blood Elves lost faith in the Light and see it as a Vengeance against it, because the Light didn't help them in their times of need. The Light didn't help them ! Never ! Why would they have any respect for it ? Thrall and Cairne seem to have no real opinion about the Naaru, they never met any and don't know their role in the universe, they probably trust what the BloodElf said to them and await more informations from the Players, Thrall know a little bit about the Light since he grew up with Humans but don't trust it like he does with the Elements... Cairne like the nature of Azeroth and I guess he will try to help the survivor of Outland and cleanse it, there is no way that he will be against the idea of the BloodElf if they take care of the Naaru and keep it alive. They never said the Naaru was tortured or raped. They used his energy and modified it, like you would do with the milk of a cow. Some religions see the Cow as a Sacred Animal... but everyday thousand of people eat cow =/ Naaru are the same thing... a God for the Draenei... a simple creature for the BloodElfs.

--Shatiana 20:44, 24 July 2006 (EDT)


  1. Make sure you put your name in when you edit something,#2:Gnomes wouldn't have the ability to be shamans anyways,they are more technology geared and wouldn't have come across shamanism.The Alliance itself sees shamanism to be primitve and savage.The only reason alliance gets to play shamans is because a broken was taught to be a shaman and shared his knowledge with Velen and the Draenei.-Hammerdin