Talk:A Natural Occurrence (Alliance)

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Unknowns to be checked:

  • | reputation = None
  • | experience = Unknown
  • | levelreq = Unknown - 10? Anyone tried with a Level 1 alt?
  • should | money = 3g 10s be used instead of rewards?
  • not required - do you need to do the quests in the city first? | previous = Quest Name
  • no follow on quest | next = Quest Name
  • == Completion == How does the NPC congratulate you when you're done with the quest? Not on Wowhead. Check Thottbot or Alakhazam or in-game
  • == Gains == Again not on Wowhead. *6500 XP *250 reputation with Strange Cult - does it give Earthern Ring rep?

Also needs the Elemental Unrest tag and category information. Tequima (talk) 12:08, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

Not found on Thottbot or Allakhazam Tequima (talk) 12:15, 6 November 2010 (UTC)