Talk:API SetBinding

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Where can a list of command names be found?

Can you bind a key to a addon-defined function? How?

And does anyone have a list of the accurate names for all possible key and mouse button bindings?

Athan 09:11, 17 March 2007 (EDT)

I'm looking for that exact same information. I'll try some other sites and bring the data back here if i find it. Otherwise the data can probably be parsed out of either configuration files or some of blizzards own .lua files Emit 00:58, 15 December 2007 (UTC)

A few questions...

Is SPACE valid as a keybind? Or does Blizzard use something else...
Also, is it possible to call a function through a keybind?
Thanks, TuskertheGreat (talk) 08:39, October 28, 2009 (UTC)
And another question, if I'm looking to restore the original Blizzard bindings (i.e. on the WSAD keys), what would I use? I also seek to restore the space bar, X, Q, E, F and R. I don't explicitly need F and R, the important ones are WSADXQE and space. -- 08:43, October 28, 2009 (UTC)

Yes, SPACE is a valid key. Yes, you can call unprotected (some protected, if implemented correctly) functions from custom key binds, otherwise, key binds would be rather useless. To restore the original key binds, just go to the default keybindings interface and click "Reset To Default". Posted by: EGingell (T|C|F) on 16:19, October 28, 2009 (UTC)
Good news! Could you possibly explain how to make the keybinds do functions? Does something along the lines of
SetBinding("Q", HelloWorld_Unbind());
work? Or is there more to it... TuskertheGreat (talk) 08:06, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Using bindings.xml to create key bindings for your addon Posted by: EGingell (T|C|F) on 22:54, October 29, 2009 (UTC)