Talk:API CancelPlayerBuff

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So Does anyoneknow how I can find a specific buff to remove from myself. I'm trying to write a macro that will remove Catform from myself so I can /script SpellStopCasting(); /script CastSpellByName("Nature's Swiftness"); /script SpellStopCasting(); /script TargetUnit("player"); /script CastSpellByName("Healing Touch(Rank 10)"); /script TargetUnit("playertarget");

now using /script CastSpellByName("Cat Form"); and then /script SpellStopCasting(); (because shiftingout of a stance has no global cooldown) but when I do it with Cat Form I guess there's some lag because I get the "Can't do that in Shapeshift Form" error --JLandrum

i think u may try this: /script local T; /script for i=0,15,1 do T=GetPlayerBuffTexture(i); if (T and string.find(T,"cat")) then CancelPlayerBuff(i);break;end end /cast xxxx;