Tales of the Past/Eden Aurorae

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

Eden Aurorae is the name of a guild in the Warcraft machinima trilogy "Tales of the Past". Main characters Blazer and Yimo are apart of this guild, Yimo being one of its officers.

The guild is a collection of people who have lost their loved ones to a single entity, who is not named. The core purpose of their guild is to slay this entity who has caused them all grief. They return to him every year in hopes to slay him, but have yet to succeed. All that is known of this enemy is that he lives in the core of the world, where they fight him. In the beginning of Tales of the Past 2, it is revealed that this enemy is Ragnaros.

Eden Aurorae seemed to have owed Stormwind a "favor", forcing them into a war against the Horde. Main members of the guild suspected that there was corruption amongst the Stormwind nobles, and aimed to find out what was causing it.

At the Barrens, the leader of the advancing Alliance army, Conrad Schultz, was challenged to a duel by the Horde army's leader, Warchief Gorbag. Gorbag overpowered him, and Schultz begged for mercy. As Gorbag is walking away, Schultz hits him in his back with a fatal blow. This causes the Horde army, now led by Gorbag's brother Swoog, to begin their attack. The Alliance army falls quickly, with Eden Aurorae suffering very small losses. After the battle, Swoog learns of their mission, and sets them free. Understanding that this will also bring them shame amongst the Alliance, Swoog gives the guild shelter. Swoog also gives them the aid of a Horde guild called the Ancient, who will help them on their quest.

The other clans, however, do not believe the guild's story. They begin to amass armies and, years later, attack several different Alliance cities. Rumours, though, tell that Morbid of the Iron Edge clan is building up an army for a final blow to the Alliance. Eden Aurorae, with this knowledge, know that they must reveal the truth of this deceit before the armies kill each other.

Information reaches Eden Aurorae that Stormwind is holding a city-wide celebration over the victory of Horde forces in Searing Gorge. With the city distracted, the guild sends Yimo and Blazer into the city to meet up with Thainor, someone on the inside who would be able to help the guild find out the source of the corruption.

Thainor tells them the location of the diary of Conrad Schultz, which should be able to explain some things. It is located in a tower of the Stormwind Keep, where Blazer and Yimo are found out. They steal the diary and teleport out of the city.

Without revealing to much spoilers, the story later becomes more focused on the quest of Blazer and Yimo, rather than the guild as a whole.