Taking a Stand

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NeutralTaking a Stand
Start Bloodrose Datura
End Commander Falstaav
Level 20-30
Category Zul'Drak
Experience 2100
Rewards 60s
Previous N [20-30] Kickin' Nass and Takin' Manes
Next N [20-30] Defend the Stand


Bloodrose Datura at Ebon Watch wants you to speak with Commander Falstaav at The Argent Stand.


A few moments ago I spotted a signal flare over the treeline to the east.

That can only mean that things are not going smoothly for the Crusaders at Argent Stand.

I cannot leave our post here, <race>, but you can. When time permits, make your way up to Commander Falstaav and see if there's anything you can do to lighten their burden.


You will receive: 60s


As it happens there is something you can do to be of assistance, <class>.



  1. N [20-30] Taking a Stand
  2. N [20-30] Defend the Stand

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