Tactical Operation

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KyrianTactical Operation
Start Dactylis
End Dactylis
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Path of Ascension
Rewards Inv helm drustmask d 01.png Trial: Splinterbark Nightmare
25g 74s


Activate the Praetor Resonance Beacon at the Splinterbark Nightmare at the Elder Strand in Ardenweald, protect the praetors, then capture the Splinterbark Nightmare's memory.

  • Beacon placed
  • Splinterbark Nightmare subdued
  • Memory captured
  • Return to Dactylis in Elysian Hold.
  •  [Soul Mirror] (provided)


Your target lies near the Oaken Assembly in Ardenweald on the Elder Strand. Take caution, for powerful drust forces lurk nearby.

Once your target is in sight, activate the beacon and protect the praetors that arrive as they work to subdue the beast. You will only be able to capture its memory once it has been fully incapacitated.

Make haste, and good luck. Follow the path.


You will learn: Inv helm drustmask d 01.png Trial: Splinterbark Nightmare

You will receive:

  • 25g 74s


Do not delay. Should the beast be made manifest, it will prove too powerful to capture.


The Nightmare's memory will prove a formidable opponent. May its physical form remain at rest.


The Splinterbark Nightmare and the place for beacon are surrounded by three Oakheart Drust-Taken.

After placing the beacon, Ardent Pacifiers start appearing and channeling magic into the Splinterbark Nightmare. As they do, Wracking Pains and Vile Wraiths appear. Finally, a Living Nightmare appears. After it is killed, the centurions fly away. At this point, use the Soul Mirror on the Splinterbark Nightmare.


  1. N [60] Splinterbark Nightmare
  2. N [60] Tactical Operation

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