TCG Class Starter Decks 2011 Wave 1

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Trading Card Game
This article contains information from the Trading Card Game which is considered non-canon.

Class Starter Decks 2011

The first wave of starter decks released on the 7th of June 2011 consists of ten decks, five Alliance and five Horde, in addition each starter released in hobby store has a free pack of War of the Elements Booster pack.

  1. Starter Decks
    1. Alliance
      1. Draenei Priest Starter
      2. Human Paladin Starter
      3. Gnome Mage Starter
      4. Worgen Hunter Starter
      5. TCG Class Starter Decks 2011 Wave 1/Night Elf Druid Starter
    2. Horde
      1. Goblin Rogue Starter
      2. Undead Death Knight Starter
      3. Orc Warrior Starter
      4. Blood Elf Warlock Starter
      5. Tauren Shaman Starter


Each Deck has it's own card numbering, making this ten mini sets in one release!

The numbering of each set is based on a prisority of:

  1. Heroes
  2. Abilities and Pets
  3. Allies
  4. Equipment
    1. Armor
    2. Items
    3. Weapons
  5. Quests

Each section is then ordered alphabetically.