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In World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

In World of Warcraft, the term "support" usually means a type of class that can be useful in groups without engaging in direct combat most of the time. Healing classes are often considered "support" classes, but the term is vague and not well defined.

Blizzard Support

Sometimes, support can refer to Blizzard's Billing, Customer, Game or Technical Support accessible by phone, e-mail, web, or in-game.

World of Warcraft

The following WoW Icon update.png issues may be handled via Blizzard's Support web site:

Technical Support
  • Blizzard Downloader, Connection Issues
  • Crashes, Errors, Lockups, Video and Sound Issues
  • Installation Issues
In-Game Support
  • In-Game General Questions
  • Bugs and Environmental Issues
  • Quest Issues
  • Player Disputes
  • Character Problems
Billing & Account Services
  • Getting Started / Account Setup
  • Authentication Keys
  • Billing and Payment Information
  • Account Maintenance & Information
  • Password/Account Recovery
Account Administration
  • Account Action and Closure Disputes
  • Unauthorized Character Transfer Assistance
  • Disabled Account Retrieval

See also

External links

World of Warcraft support

Warcraft III support

Warcraft II support

Warcraft I support