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Start Ashildir
End Ashildir
Level 10-45
Category Helheim
Experience 22,600
Reputation +150 Valarjar
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous N [10-45] To Light the Way
Next N [10-45] Victory is Eternal


Find and release the Fragment of Will, Fragment of Might, and Fragment of Valor in Helheim.

  • Fragment of Will
  • Fragment of Might
  • Fragment of Valor


I imagine the power of your weapon will be what allows us to defeat Geir, but right now you are too weak for the confrontation. We must reclaim the missing pieces of your spirit.

Helya must have scattered them throughout her realm to keep them from you. If you can find them, shine the lantern and they should be set free.

Be careful, though. It is unlikely that Helya left your spirit fragments unguarded.


You will receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 22,600 XP (at level 100)
  • +150 reputation with Valarjar


Have you recovered your power?


Yes, I can feel your power returned.

Helya will regret the day she challenged one such as you.


Will released
Helya says: You are clever, outsider, but your efforts will only prove futile.
Might released
Helya says: Do not think you are close to winning, unworthy one.
Valor released
Helya says: How resourceful you are. You might make a worthwhile plaything yet.


  1. N [10-45] An Unworthy Task
    1. Bonus Objective (-110): N [10-44B] Raze Hel
    2. Unlocks: N [45WQ] Razing Hel
  2. N [10-45] A Little Kelp From My Foes & N [10-45] Accessories of the Cursed
  3. N [10-45] Stealth by Seaweed
  4. N [10-45] A Desperate Bargain
  5. N [10-45] The Eternal Nemesis
  6. N [10-45] To Light the Way
  7. N [10-45] Sundered & N [10-45] Allies in Death
  8. N [10-45] Victory is Eternal
  9. N [10-45] Paid in Lifeblood

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