Strength of Mount Mugamba (2)

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NeutralStrength of Mount Mugamba
Start Jin'rokh the Breaker
End Jin'rokh the Breaker
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Raid
Category Zul'Gurub
Experience 9550 EXP (or 57s at level 80)
Rewards  [Strength of Mugamba]


It is good to see you in good health, <name>. The glorious battles you have undertaken affect all life on this planet. Hakkar must never leave the confines of Zul'Gurub as the world will surely collapse beneath his immense hunger.

Give me your talisman and I shall amplify its strength. Use the Strength of Mugamba to punish our enemies!


Our paths will cross again, Warrior.


You receive
Inv jewelry necklace 24.png [Strength of Mugamba]


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9550 XP (or 57s at level 80)

Patch changes

External links