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Stormforged Grapple Launcher (quest)

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NeutralStormforged Grapple Launcher
Start Stormforged Grapple Launcher
End Stormforged Grapple Launcher
Level 10-45
Category Stormheim
Experience 1,650 at lvl 109
Rewards  [Stormforged Grapple Launcher]

Stormforged Grapple Launcher is required to complete B [10-45] A Grapple a Day. It can be completed before that quest, and will simply be noted as completed when A Grapple a Day is accepted.


This looks like one of the grapple launchers the local vrykul use to scale the steep ridges in Stormheim.

This could come in handy.


You will receive:
Inv firearm 2h rifle draenorraid d 01.png [Stormforged Grapple Launcher]


  • 1,650 XP (or 1g 83s 50c at 110)


This quest is important to do not just for Stormheim, but also to reach rooftops in Suramar City and scaling cliffs on the Broken Shore.

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