Stopping the Spread (Uldum)

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NeutralStopping the Spread
Start High Priest Amet [54.2, 41.9]
End High Priest Amet [54.2, 41.9]
Level 30-35
Category Uldum
Experience 43900
Reputation +250 Ramkahen
Rewards 8g 60s
Previous N [30-35] The High Priest's Vote
Next N [30-35] The Defilers' Ritual


Destroy 6 Slitherer Eggs.

  • Slitherer Egg destroyed x6


Slaying the foul creatures that plague the river will not be enough, <name>.

A new generation of these monstrosities already threatens to spawn within our holy waters.

Seek their foul eggs and destroy them.


You will receive: 8g 60s


Have you succeeded, <name>?


I thank you, <name>. This will make our prophetic visions that much clearer.


Pick up N [30-35] Trespassers in the Water before heading out.


  • High Priest:
  1. N [30-35] The High Priest's Vote
  2. N [30-35] Stopping the Spread / N [30-35] Trespassers in the Water
  3. N [30-35] The Defilers' Ritual
  4. N [30-35] The Root of the Corruption
  • Vizier
  1. N [30-35] The Vizier's Vote
  2. N [30-35] Tanotep's Son
  3. N [30-35] Neferset Prison
  4. N [30-35] The Pit of Scales
  • High Commander
  1. N [30-35] The High Commander's Vote
  2. N [30-35] The Weakest Link
  3. N [30-35] Shaping Up
  4. N [30-35] Salhet's Secret
  5. N [30-35] Salhet the Tactician
  6. N [30-35] Return to Camp

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External links