Stolen Mementos

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VenthyrStolen Mementos
Start Keeper Ta'saran
End Keeper Ta'saran
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Rewards Spell nature healingtouch.png Relaxing



You will learn: Spell nature healingtouch.png Relaxing


I anticipate the timely return of our stolen merchandise, Maw Walker.

Their pilfering leaves a blemish on what could otherwise be a perfectly satisfying event.


<Keeper Ta'saran carefully inspects each memento.>

These are all in adequate condition. Their return shall be noted in the logs.

You needn't fear a reprisal for their theft any longer.


Upon accepting the quest
Keeper Ta'saran says: This trap will immobilize the thieves, so that you may relocate them to a more... fitting locaiton.
Keeper Ta'saran says: The trap will ensure their safety from falls of any height. In case you find that fact relevant.
Upon completion
Keeper Ta'saran says: According to my record, you have recovered all of the stolen mementos.
Keeper Ta'saran says: I shall accordingly purge all potential retaliation plans from the record as well.

Patch changes

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