The Burden of Lapisagos

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  • The Burden of Lapisagos
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • "A book scribed with shifting arcane runes holding ancient magic."
  • <Right Click to Read>
  • Sell Price: 1c
Spellsworn Missive

The Burden of Lapisagos is found in the Spellsworn Missive on a table at [52.4, 59.7] / [48.2, 73.6] in the Earth-Warder's Cauldron of the War Creche in the Forbidden Reach. This is one of the criteria of  [Librarian of the Reach].


The Burden of Lapisagos

Sisters and brothers, I know the duty placed upon us by the Spell-Weaver is a heavy burden. But you must believe that he could only entrust such a task to his most loyal disciples.

Our charge is not merely to stand guard over prisoners. Such drudgery would befit an underling or a conjured servant.

No. We are charged with keeping a secret. One that must remain locked away for the ages.

These dracthyr are a failed experiment rashly made by the Earth-Warder. While his intentions were noble, Neltharion should have sought the aid of Malygos during their creation instead of waiting until their confinement proved necessary.

Now that our Aspect knows of the dracthyr's nature, I am certain he will find a way to control their baser instincts without relying upon a titan artifact as Neltharion did.

And if not, well... it would be a simple matter for us to collapse the creches and leave this island behind. Alexstrasza and the other Aspects need never know the truth of what was buried here.

Until the Spell-Weaver gives further orders, we will stand vigil. We will ensure the stasis holds and the dracthyr do not awaken.

By wing or by talon, we will see our duty done.

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