Sparkle Steamburst

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NeutralSparkle Steamburst
No image available
Gender Male
Race Goblin
Affiliation(s) Gadgetzan Times, Steamwheedle Cartel
Location Gadgetzan, Tanaris
Status Alive

“We, at the Gadgetzan Times, are very proud to offer to you the glorious first issue of our new magazine. "Never before has there been such expectancy for a free magazine.”

— To a press conference.

Sparkle Steamburst is a goblin who is the president of Sparkle Entertainment Lightning & Fireworks. He formed his company over eight years ago and has been finding ways to increase his company's prestige and influence in the literature industry. Such examples of expansion include the creation of the Hacks & Fires magazine and a new venture with the Royal Photographic Society of Azeroth.[1]
