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Sorrowbane is a two-handed sword. Obtaining it also grants the achievement  [Harvester of Sorrow].



  1. Buy 1  [Potion of Unusual Strength] from Au'larrynar in Maldraxxus and 1  [Strength of Blood] from Ta'tru in Revendreth.
  2. N [50-60WQ] A Few Bumps Along the Way must be active in Maldraxxus.
  3. Bind your  [Hearthstone] to Slumbar Valorum or purchase a  [Scroll of Teleport: Theater of Pain] from One-Eyed Joby.


  1. Complete N [50-60WQ] A Few Bumps Along the Way to get two stacks of Ability warrior shieldmastery.png Battle Hardened — You feel strong. Increases health by 10%.
  2. Head to Glutharn's Decay and consume 4 Edible Redcaps. Teleport/hearth back to the Theater of Pain.
  3. Run down to Sorrowbane before the buff wears off to pull  [Oonar's Arm] from the sword.
  4. Consume both potions and pull Sorrowbane.


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External links

Item Object