Slightly-Chewed Insult Book

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  • Slightly-Chewed Insult Book
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Toy
  • Use: Adds this toy to your Toy Box.

    Shout a filthy pirate insult at everyone within earshot! (30 Min Cooldown)
  • "There's a few good pages left."
Pirates' Day
The subject of this article or section is part of Pirates' Day, a seasonal event that lasts one day. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year.

Slightly-Chewed Insult Book is dropped by Ol' Eary during Pirates' Day. Upon use, it causes the character to yell one of various pirate insults:

  • 'Tis good ye're here. Ye'll scare away the rats!
  • Ye smell of fish an' swine, ye mermaid marryin' monkey!
  • I'll skewer yer gizzard, ye fish-kissin', vile cur...
  • 'Tis not enough rum in the world to make yer face look good, ye blasted, sorry sea bass!
  • Ye fight like a dairy farmer, ye lyin' scabby halfwit!
  • I'll devour yar parrot ye mutinous blowfish!
  • Ye don't need a sword. Yer face be deadlier! Garr!
  • A black spot upon thee, ye barnacle bottomed sluggard!
  • Yer ship has more holes than a sponge, ye slack-jawed cockroach!
  • Ye be as repulsive as a monkey in a negligee!

Patch changes

External links