Slaghammer's Notes: Tyr's Fall

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Slaghammer's Notes: Tyr's Fall

Slaghammer's Notes: Tyr's Fall is one of three books authored by Shadowlord Slaghammer found at the Twilight's Hammer camp in the Whispering Forest in the Tirisfal Glades. [13.2, 55.5] It needs to be inspected for the first stage of N Priest [10-45] Blade in Twilight.

Slaghammer's Notes: Tyr's Fall

We have finished setting up a small base as per the Deacon's orders. He is driven, so sure this is the proper path for the Twilight's Hammer. We will be visible to our enemies but he believes it is worth the risk.

There is some sort of broken seal leading to a complex beneath the lake. The lake itself looks like it suffered a titanic explosion thousands of years ago. Somehow the Shadow Deacon knew of this location and knows that a C'Thraxxi died here. His plan is bold. He will use the Black Blade to resurrect this ancient being and restore the Twilight's Hammer to its pinnacle.

Tomorrow I go in to command the forces holding the upper area. He has already dampened the wards and is preparing to enter the lower area.

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